A woman has set up a GoFundMe page in support of her son, who was hospitalised after he started suffering with severe back pain on Christmas Day.

Dawn Anderson started the fundraiser ‘Jordan’s wheelchair to make life easier’ just three weeks ago and has already smashed its target, raising over £5,000.

The “proper Yorkshire man” has been in hospital since January 1 with a burst abscess which left him paralysed from the waist down.

Family, friends and strangers have donated to help provide 24-year-old Jordan with a comfortable wheelchair and Ms Anderson said the page was made after she realised she wouldn’t be able to afford more than a basic chair for her son.

Jordan, Emily and Elsie

She said: “I wanted Jordan to have more than a basic wheelchair, that’s why I set up the page. Something which would make life a little easier, as we have had the conversation that he won’t be able to walk again.”

Jordan who only got married last year was in hospital when his wife, Emily, 23, gave birth to their daughter, Elsie.

Ms Anderson said: “Jordan wasn’t happy when he first heard I had set up GoFundMe page. Jordan doesn’t think he deserves help from other people, but he’s the first to go and help anyone else.

We’ve been totally blown away that people that don’t know him are reaching out to help. It took off really fast after only a couple of hours we’d raised over £1,000.”

Jordan and Emily only married last year

Jordan has only managed to spend five days with his nine-week-old daughter so far and is unable to hold her currently due to his spasms.

It could be another 8 to ten weeks before Jordan is discharged from the spinal unit at the Northern General but he is determined to leave hospital sooner so he can enjoy time with his daughter.

Jordan’s family want to give him the most mobile and lightweight chair to help the young family who will also have to deal with a pushchair. Raising enough money will also improve the 24-year-old’s quality of life when he is discharged home to his family.

If you’d like to donate head to the GoFundMe page setup to support Jordan and his family: https://uk.gofundme.com/f/jordans-wheelchair-to-make-life-easier?