Covid- 19 cases in Sheffield have continued to fall over the last month with a decrease in the number of deaths per week too.

As of 16 April 2021,  a total of 1,310 deaths had been recorded in Sheffield since the begging of the pandemic.

The graph shows the cumulative number of deaths and number of deaths per day:

Source: Gov.UK

There were 43,657 Covid-19 cases registered as of 27 April, in Sheffield and 31 people tested positive for the virus as of 28 April and has remained “constant”.

Covid 19 cases in Sheffield from 1 June 2020 to 18 March 2021:

Source: Gov.UK

In a position statement for Sheffield City Council, Greg Fell, Director of Public Health in Sheffield, said: “There are no flashing red lights on my risk radar at this moment, that may change, but there aren’t any.

“The take up of the Covid vaccine has been really really strong.

“Five out of the first nine priority groups have chosen to take up the offer, that’s 83%, that’s astounding.”

He also added that the number of people being hospitalized because of Covid is very low and that hospital activity for Covid this month “less than 2%” whereas a few months ago it was “25%”.

Greg Fell also included that Yorkshire is now seeing traces of the B117 variant where they had not seen it before.

He added that all people above the age of 50 and frontline NHS or social care workers were still eligible to get the jab.

Data suggests that people under the age of 45 have received the most jabs so far.

Number of Vaccines administered to people in Sheffield from different age groups from 8 December 2020 to 18 April 2021:

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