A new and innovative programme based in Sheffield has welcomed its first patient this week.

Active Together is an evidence-based service aiming to support cancer patients to help cope with their treatments by providing physical activity, nutritional and psychological support.

Outcomes of this specialized service is expected to improve recovery rates and save lives by reducing the likelihood of cancer returning.

Delivered by Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Sheffield Hallam University, available to patients diagnosed with upper gastrointestinal (GI), colorectal and lung cancer who are currently receiving treatment in Sheffield. 

Patients will be referred to the programme through their Clinical Nurse Specialist.

Professor Gary Mills, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine based at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said: “Active Together provides vital fitness preparation for patients about to undergo cancer treatments including surgery, and helps patients recover their fitness, both mental and physical, afterwards. This boosts both quality of life and survival.

“Exercise can make crucial differences, from improving patient wellbeing and quality of life to increasing the likelihood of survival and helping to reduce the risk of cancer coming back. It can improve the speed and extent of recovery for those with cancer. Based on a decade of research, Active Together provides this help tailored to patient needs and so has a new and vital role to play in cancer care in South Yorkshire.”

Dr Kathryn Scott, Chief Executive at Yorkshire Cancer Research, said: “Seeing patients being able to take part and benefit from this pioneering new programme is a fantastic step forward for people with cancer in the South Yorkshire region. In recent years, it has become very clear that exercise plays a vital role in improving cancer survival rates, and that exercise programmes should be prescribed to people with cancer in the same way as other treatments.

“At Yorkshire Cancer Research, our aim is for 2000 more people to survive cancer every year in Yorkshire. Together with the pioneering team at Sheffield’s AWRC, we are taking a huge leap into creating a world-leading programme that can be introduced across Yorkshire and beyond, helping to save many lives.”