An exhibition exploring the versatility of hair using hair as a material has opened at Sheffield’s Weston Park Museum.

Hair: Untold Stories, made its debut on February 10, and will end on October 29.

The quirky exhibition is made entirely of hair and includes jewellery, armour, hair tools and even a dress and shoes made from blonde locks.

It is the inaugural exhibition created for the Museums and Galleries Network for Exhibition Touring (MAGNET) and was curated by the Horniman Museum and Gardens, in partnership with Goldsmiths, University of London, Tullie House Museum and Gardens and Sheffield Museums Trust.

University student Zoe Williams, 20, was taken back by the boldness of the display.

“It’s not really something I thought there would be an exhibition for. Hair means something to me but I don’t think I am able to put it into words,” she said.

“It was actually quite enticing. I was glad to see multiple black hair care stations, especially the different hair textures on dolls in the children’s section. That made me smile.”

This exhibition highlights the importance of hair and why it means so much for many different cultures. It offers visitors an opportunity to learn about the history of hair within a variety of cultures.

The black hair care section emulates what the hair shop experience is like, and depicts why it’s a safe haven for black people. 

The Black Hair Care Project, is a service provided for black people by the charity Adira- which supports black people with mental health issues. The service also offers to do people’s hair for free.

Katie Gill, line manager for the museum, said: “It’s nice to have an exhibition that is more engaging, especially for families. It’s such a mad topic to think about… hair.

“It sounds odd but it’s really interesting and the diversity is incredible through the different cultures and the inclusion of hair loss and the impacts of that on people.

“For me, hair is a big part of my identity. My favourite piece in the exhibition is the hair dress. It makes you feel a bit uneasy and also with the shoes as well. As it’s at the beginning it certainly stands out and draws people in.”

Hair; Untold stories is a free exhibition perfect for families with many interactive activities. The museum is open Tuesday–Saturday 10am–4pm and Sunday 11am–4pm. For more information about the exhibition click here.