St Patricks day is one day of the year where people love to go out and have a drink to celebrate! Many flee to the pub to grab a pint with friends and Sheffield is celebrating in style.

Who was St Patrick?

St Patrick was a fifth century missionary to Ireland who became a legendary figure at the end of the seventh century and is now celebrated annually on the 17th of March.

At 16, he was kidnapped and taken to Ireland to be sold into slavery, but escaped after six years and went home to Britain. He later returned to Ireland, where he was credited for bringing Christianity to its people.

Why do we drink on St Patrick’s Day?

In its simplest form, because of the stereotype that the Irish like a drink. To celebrate an Irish saint, what better way to celebrate, other than as the Irish would? However if a chilled dinner or seeing some good talent floats your boat more than a visit to the pub, there are plenty of options this weekend in Sheffield city centre.

If you’re a student or party-goer in Sheffield there are heaps to indulge in this St Patrick’s weekend, including the ‘Shake your Shamrock’ party from the 17th-18th at Popworld Sheffield where they’re offering free entry before 11PM if you share yourself before you go, on social media.

The North vs Mids vs South bar crawl is also carrying on last night’s antics to tonight, finishing off at Code. The ultimate event to discover which part of the country can handle their drink better, and what better day to find out on. 

Bears and Bungalows on Devonshire street, Sheffield City Centre are giving out free pints of Guinness if your name is Patrick or Patricia.

Are you looking for a more chilled St Paddy’s day?

If you’re looking for a different approach to celebrating the holiday, there is also a gala dinner tomorrow evening with a live band and Irish dancing at the Magna Science Adventure Centre. Tickets are £30, from 7:30pm-11pm.

Sheffield Irish dancing society will also make an appearance at the foundry tonight, with two dances throughout the club night. 

Erin Pauley, the secretary of the society says “The day is about traditional music and spreading good energy throughout the community through dance”. 

She expressed how she wants all people to see their society as “inclusive and welcoming” as anyone can join, even at beginner level, as they are about spreading good vibes on days as special as St Patrick’s day.

So whether you’re going out on the town or for a quiet dinner, there’s a bit of everything in Sheffield for you this weekend.