A huge KFC sign has been posted next to the Easy Hotel opposite the Castle Square tram stop in Sheffield has received mixed responses from Sheffield residents.

“It’s a big eyesore, it just feels so out of place” said Barnaby, a Politics student at the University of Sheffield. 

The sign can be seen from Castle Square tram stop.

52-year-old Jason Holyhead, a local Sheffield author, said: “It’s definitely eye-catching.

“To be honest my first thought was that at least it looked like something was happening with the area, development maybe, which would be positive as the city centre seems to be receding.”

The sign can be seen as far back at as the Cathedral tram stop which is over 300 metres away. 

The Time Walk Project, who promotes Sheffield’s heritage said: “It is the area allegedly with the most pedestrian accidents in the city, so maybe eye catching is not a great idea?”

Sheffield Labour MP Mines Parekh commented his opinions of the billboard in a tweet by the Sheffield Wire .