A Sheffield drag group has put on its first ever bingo event to gather money for the SAYiT charity.

The Sheffield charity focuses on helping the LGBTQ+ youth around Sheffield by providing a safe space for them to explore their sexualities and providing different activities.

Drags and Slags was created by Adam Otley in 2017 as a scare company, putting on Halloween events. They developed in 2020 to become more drag-centred.

Mr Otley, 38, said: “We just wanted to create a space where everyone could be themselves.

We saw something special and took the opportunity.”

Drags and Slags as previously collaborated with Sayit on other charity events.

Antony Carr, 26, member of Drags and Slags said: “It all started as a group of friends, so you can definitely see a growth in these events. It’s nice to see more and more people happy to donate and participate.”

SAYiT gives young people the ability to go on trips, events, campaigns and other projects to help them feel supported and seen.

Mr Otley said: “It’s so important to have places like this that young people can rely on.

We have to make sure they know they are supported and loved.”

More events targeted towards the LGBTQ+ scene in Sheffield will continue to take place throughout the year.

Mr Otley said: “There are other events that will be happening to show the gay scene in Sheffield does exist.”

Pinknic, for example, an event created by the organisation LGBT+ Sheffield, will be going ahead for another year on 15th July.

Martin Ward, 40, graphics designer for the Pinknic event said: “It is not easy to organise things like this.

“People want to have more queer events in Sheffield, but it is hard to make some time. But for Pinknic we had so many volunteers to the point I had to say no.”

Drags and Slags said they would continue creating events to support the SAYiT charity as well as create a safe place for people in Sheffield.

Mr Otley said: “ No matter who you are once you go through that door you are free.”

Adam Otley (left) with one of the hosts at the bingo night