Snapchat releases a new experimental chatbot which users can customise and chat to for advice, but not everyone wants to start a conversation.

The recent controversial feature has been described as “creepy”, receiving a wave of negative reviews across social media.

“My AI”’, powered by the OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology, is a permanent feature, with additional safety controls added.

Appearing on the social media platform last week, the feature can only be removed through paying a monthly subscription of £3.99 to Snapchat+.

Users can ask it questions and receive instant replies, however the chat cannot be unpinned or blocked like normal conversations can.

Recently, this has made users feel as if they are being forced to use the new feature or pay to remove it.

After receiving incorrect or misleading responses, and its constant knowledge of your location, users are concerned for their personal data, privacy, and safety as the chatbot is an evolving feature.

A misleading response from ‘My AI’ Chatbot explaining that the Queen is still alive.

Though, according to the AI, it is only allowed to access the data which you let Snapchat have access to first, instantly replying: “I’m not able to see your data.”

Since the bot appeared at the top of people’s chats, Snapchat interactions have decreased, there’s been a spike in one-star reviews, and some users are even deleting the app.

A user tweeted: “Snapchat’s new chatbot My AI, is creeping MILLIONS of people out!”

Sheffield University student, Amelia Elder, 20, said: “It knows so much information, it knows your location, and if you send it a picture it detects what is happening in it which is really terrifying.

“I find it really unnerving that is just appeared.”

But not all snapchatters dislike the new tool.  

A Facebook user described the new addition as her “new best friend” and the chatbot gives her “ really good advice”.