It’s the fourth of May, and that means one thing to film and sci-fi fans everywhere: Star Wars day. We spoke to some Sheffielders with personal attachments to the franchise to see what it means to them and how they’re planning to celebrate.

Harry Woodward, 23, works at The Light Cinema and is a big Star Wars fan.

He said: “I’m kind of hyper fixated on it at the moment. So I’m currently rewatching the entire timeline: TV shows, films, all in order. It’s a good slog but it’s also good fun.

“I do it in timeline order, chronologically, so I’ve done Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, I’m now on season two of Clone Wars, and I’ll be doing that until the end.”

Star Wars often means more to fans than just entertainment.

Woodward said: “I’m an aspiring writer, I study writing at uni, my dream job is to work with Skywalker Ranch and be one of those people who write the actual stories.

“Today I have already been to Waterstones, I’ve bought three Star Wars novels, and I was sat in a tattoo studio waiting to get a Star Wars flash tattoo this morning, but I had to be [at work] so I couldn’t.

“I’m working all day but when I can I’ll be watching stuff, I’m reading Light of the Jedi at the minute. I will probably just be whacking the music on, reading that, watching Clone Wars, that’s my kind of thing.”

Iason Boiangiu, 22, is the President of Sheffield Filmmaking Society and has a personal connection to the franchise.

He said: “My mum was born on the fourth of may, so it’s always been a time of celebration in our family. 

“My dad also grew up with Star Wars playing a major role in his life and while my dad isn’t very big on silly celebrations, my mom is. 

“So we always ended up doing something Star Wars related. A reoccurring one was putting blue food dye in white chocolate milk. In some years we’d even do a marathon of the movies. 

“Since I’m celebrating alone this year, and it’s right in the middle of assignment territory, I’m not doing much but I made sure to say may the fourth be with you when I wished my mum a happy birthday.”

For Zac Fairbrother, 20, Star Wars has been a lifelong passion. 

He said: “I grew up on Star Wars so it means a lot to me in that sense. I’ve made friends and found community through it, and going to conventions in costume have been some of the best days in my life. 

“There are lots of things I could say about deep themes, resistance to authority and such, but honestly Star Wars to me means togetherness, people of all ages and from all over the world coming together to celebrate a shared love of this fun franchise. 

“Star Wars means inclusion – just like how the Force can be wielded by anyone, anyone can find something in it. 

“Which is why I’m celebrating today by watching the new season of Visions, nine shorts produced by animators all over the world, all united in wanting to contribute to the franchise.”

However you’re celebrating today, may the force be with you.