National Vegetarian Week is an activity that aims to highlight how switching to veggie meals can help reduce your carbon footprint and save the planet, and it is set to be bigger and better than ever, with a clear focus on the climate crisis.

The activity started from the 15th to the 21st of May.

The Vegetarian Society is a campaigning charity aiming to bring the benefits of plant-based eating to all. It states that it campaigns to make the change to help people, the planet, and animals.

Richard McIlwain, Chief Executive of the National Vegetarian Society, has said: “The very first National Vegetarian Week ran in 1992, the same year as the Rio Earth Summit, which saw the creation of the first-ever UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.” Thirty years later, the Society is still battling to reduce emissions. They say that we can take action by reducing our meat intake.

Su Taylor, Digital Media and PR Manager for the National Vegetarian Society, said: “In 2022’s campaign, we inspired people to switch over 70,000 meat-based meals for veggie and plant-based dishes, saving over 100 tons of carbon, equivalent to the emissions released by driving a car around the earth’s equator over 16 times.”

Su added that the Society’s goals for 2023 were to “reach out to even more people encouraging a greater number of businesses, schools, local authorities, supermarkets and individuals taking part. People often don’t think their actions can make much of a difference. But by joining the many thousands of people signing up for the week, we aim to demonstrate how, individual efforts can lead to real and meaningful change together.”

National Vegetarian Week 2022 saw record-breaking attempts, celebrity supporters, and planet-friendly recipes. It also had a range of businesses across the UK getting involved and, for the first time, was supported by local authorities, including Sheffield City Council.

University Student Willow Warneford said, “I’ve not eaten meat for over ten years. I became a vegetarian after watching a tv programme about global warming. Two of my housemates have eaten only vegetarian food since Monday and have decided to try to give vegetarianism a go.” 

Willow added, “There has been a lot of activity on social media about this week, and I’ve also noticed signs about it when doing my local food shop.” 

Vegetarianism is clearly on the rise. From the increase in the number of vegetarian-only food restaurants to the more vegetarian options available readily in all types of restaurants, vegetarianism is becoming a way of life for many.

Readers can keep up to date with the latest news about the week at