The Esmee Fairbairn Foundation has awarded Sheffield Theatres and Ramps on the Moon funding of £280,000 to continue their work.

Ramps on the Moon is an organisation that supports anti-ableist work in the performing arts industry, and has been in existence since 2015.

Michele Taylor, Director for Change at Ramps on the Moon, said: “The stories that we tell within the arts shape people’s attitudes to other people, including disabled people.

“If theatres are not challenging the lazy stereotypes around disabled people that can get perpetuated within the arts then they’re not being neutral. You either challenge them or you perpetuate them.”

Ramps on the Moon will take residency at Sheffield Theatres as they aim to go further in challenging anti-ableism and reviewing the social model of disability.

Sheffield Theatres were one of the original Ramps on the Moon founding partners.

It was previously funded by Arts Council England for seven and a half years.

Mrs Taylor said: “We had seven and a half years of activity which was really fruitful, radical, effective, and brought about meaningful, significant change in the cultural sector for disabled people’s equality.

“It put disabled people on the map in a whole new way.”

Over the next two years, they will be working with two cohorts of organisations for a year each.

They will work with them on organisational change and development with disability equality.

The funding from the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation was granted just before Christmas, with Ramps on the Moon awarded the full amount that they asked for. This will fund their activity for another two years in partnership with Sheffield Theatres.

Mrs Taylor continued to say: “Sheffield is such a great city to be in.

“They have brilliant relationships and partnerships locally, and we really want to be able to support other organisations Sheffield Theatres is working with as well.”

Photos: The Steel City Snapper