Locals from around Sheffield have expressed their admiration for women in their lives as Mother’s Day approaches.

This year Mother’s Day lands on 10th March, and it is a great time of year to celebrate different female figures who’ve had a maternal and inspirational influence on our lives.

It’s not just mothers that people are celebrating this March.

Eleanor Bowie, 19, a student living in the City Centre, spoke highly of her sister: “She was the first in our family to go to university, so she is a key inspirational figure for me. She is one of the reasons that I am at university, and I followed in her footsteps.”

In awe of her sister’s hard work, Eleanor recalls when she achieved 2:1 in her degree.

“She did Biomedical Sciences, and she is going on to a career in finding a cure for cancer. It’s something I find quite aspirational for her, so it’s quite cool.”

For anyone struggling with bereavement around Mother’s Day contact the Cruse helpline on 0808 808 1677 for support and guidance.