South Yorkshire Police has objected to a proposal for a KFC restaurant to operate 24 hours a day, citing concerns about potential disturbances from intoxicated people.

Police worry that extending KFC’s business hours could cause issues from “those who drink” due to its central location in the city. They propose that the restaurant close between 05:00 and 07:00 daily to avoid issues. The current closing time for the restaurant on West Street in Sheffield city centre is 02:00 on Fridays and Saturdays.

West Street is known to be bustling with drunken individuals in the early hours of the morning during the week due to it hosting numerous bars and pubs. This can lead to disorderly behaviour and potentially make policing the area difficult.

With the fast-food restaurant staying open later, the Police have indicated a worry that more people will remain in the area, leading to disturbances.

Resident of Trafalgar Street Patrick Shakesby said: “It’s a bit of a nightmare. You don’t feel safe at night as it is near West Street. This just encourages more people to stick around when there’s no read need. Just get home”.

Police have officially said: “Our concerns centre around the proposal for 24-hour operation.

“With the premises being located on one of the busiest streets of the drinking circuit in the city centre and with similar establishments closing earlier, we feel there may be potential for higher levels of custom in the early hours leading to potential issues with those in drink.

“On this basis, we have requested an amendment to opening hours with a close of 5am until 7am each day.”

Local residents group ChangingSheff have also objected to the plans.

The Sheffield City Council’s licensing sub-committee is scheduled to review the application on Monday at 11am.