Officers made 18 arrests and seized £15,000 of cash and Class A drugs last week in a clamp down on county lines.

The arrests made were for multiple offences of child trafficking, possession of Class A and B drugs with intent to supply, theft of motor vehicles and possession of an offensive weapon.

This came as a part of National County Lines Intensification Week which was coordinated by the NPCC-led National County Lines Coordination Centre.

It saw officers safeguard 113 men and women at risk of exploitation and modern slavery, officers also seized cash, Class A drugs, cannabis, mobile phones, weapons and a modified car worth £30,000.

In Sheffield £6,500 worth of illegal vapes and counterfeit cigarettes were seized from four premises believed to be linked to organised crime in the Sharrow, Highfield and Abbeydale areas.

The police worked with The British Transport Police and Yorkshire and Humber Regional Organised Crime Unit throughout the week, visiting care homes, hotels and schools.

They conducted knife amnesty bin checks and drugs dog searches, and targeted vehicles linked to county lines.

Force lead for County Lines, Chief Inspector Leanne Dean, said: “The multiple arrests, seizure of illegal goods and dangerous weapons during this week of intensified activity demonstrates the strength in partnership working and sends a strong message that county lines gangs have no place in South Yorkshire.

“Specialist child exploitation and modern slavery teams continue to work hard to bring to justice those people who choose to exploit others, use streets and homes for drug dealing and incite fear into the lives of others with violence.”