The Barnsley Metropolitan Band have won the area final and will represent Yorkshire at the British Brass Band Championships. 

The band won the competition playing in the third section, beating the other ten bands competing from across the region.

Alex Francis, the conductor, said: “We’re delighted with the result. It marks a special moment in the bands history and the progress we’ve made in recent years.”

Mr Francis won the Roye Roe memorial trophy for the winning conductor, and the band received awards for the best percussion section.

Imogen Spencer, Tenor Horn player, said: “I joined Barnsley Metropolitan Band in 2021, when I was 11. Everyone was so friendly and supportive, they helped me to progress with my ability to play. It’s amazing how much more confidence and friends I have gained since I joined.”

After their triumph, the band has been invited to represent Yorkshire at the National finals in September, where they will compete against the best bands in the country.

Miss Spencer said: “I’m so proud to be part of a fantastic band that has worked hard to achieve first place together. It will be my second time representing Yorkshire at the national finals in Cheltenham and I can’t wait.”

The band will be promoted to the second section next year for the first time in its history.

Councillor Robin Franklin, Cabinet Spokesperson for Regeneration and Culture, said: “Barnsley Music Service supports so many younger players with brass and percussion lessons in schools. It’s wonderful to see players of all ages developing their skills, talent and creativity. Music making in Barnsley is thriving, with so many opportunities for young musicians in the borough.” 

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