Fitness trainer and powerlifter Sarah Willis (@mindovermusclept), competes in competitions every year, and stopped her tough workout to chat about fitness.

She explained that taking time out of your routine to prioritise your health can often seem like a difficult task to fulfil, but something that you’ll always benefit from, both physically and mentally.

She said: “A massive thing for me is female empowerment. I’ve never felt as empowered as I do walking into the gym, feeling strong, and knowing I can lift heavy.”

Gym go-ers talk about what they love about exercise, health and fitness.

Gym bro Tabi Emosi was heading up to work after a tough workout, and stopped to chat about the impact exercise has on his life, and his friend’s lives.

He said: “Even my boy only started working out last year – but he got in shape, and now he notices little things… like people wanna speak to him more, it’s an ice-breaker for him, like ‘oh, bro you look good!’.

“Your self-esteem is better, too, and you carry that when you’re talking to people.”

Sarah motioned that she often gets “post-comp blues”, and explained: “You’ve worked six/seven months towards this day, and that’s it… then you’re like ‘what now?’, and it’s difficult to get back into routine after that… it’s strange, yeah.”