Local councils could benefit from the proposed government smoking ban, after a new study finds a smoke free England could bring in £10.9 billion for the economy.

Dr. Duncan Gillespie, Senior Research Fellow at the University of Sheffield said: “The overall money going back into smoker’s pockets would be higher, but we have focused on the maximum spending opportunities which would benefit local economies, if the money was spent within the local community.”

The government’s proposed bill would stop anyone born after the 1st January 2009 from ever buying tobacco products, even after they turn 18.

Dr Gillespie said: “It’s potentially the most impactful public health policy that you could imagine.”

He also said that most people consider the health savings in relation to smoking in the economy, but this study has found it can bring in considerable dividends for local authorities as well.

The study was led by the University of Sheffield’s Addictions Research Group in collaboration with the University of Nottingham and was published in the Tobacco control journal.

ShefNews spoke to Dr Gillespie to find out more about this study and what it could mean for local economies across England.