Members of Crookesmoor community say they are outraged as the numbers of vehicle crime are escalating within the area.  

Many people who live in the heavily populated student area are furious, with many of them recently reporting vehicle damage, break-in’s and theft of items from inside their car. 

The community has being trying to catch out suspects who are causing damage and stealing from their vehicles. 

One victim, Amy Almond, 22, from Crookesmoor, says: “I am so angry, I came down the other morning to see my car window smashed through and everything I had in my glovebox had been taken.” 

A large number of victims say they have witnessed the same man repeatedly breaking into multiple different cars on many different occasions.

He has been seen on CCTV trying their car door handles and taking various different items from their cars.

Police have also warned of a new series of vehicle crimes in Sheffield’s local neighbourhoods, with Crookesmoor being one of the highest areas of car crime this year. 

Miss Almond, said: “Me and other members of Crookes community have reported the recent incidents to the police, they told me to reassure people that they are taking action and will be visiting the victims of the recent events.”