Earlier this month, Barnsley based artist Fumi opened her new exhibition “Embracing Shadows” in Hillsborough.

Based in Cupola art gallery, Fumi combined her love for nature and insects with her experiences and stories of living in Barnsley, and the people involved in her life.

When talking about her exhibition, the Japanese inspired artist said: “The objects I produce with the flowers signify the futility of human activity in which acceptance and embracement of natural progression is presented, as well as deterioration in both physical and emotional states.

“My work is a way of rendering my aesthetic appreciation of life. I strive to deliver the fundamental essence of nature through the artform of sculpture. ”

Fumi has a passion for organic materials which she uses to create sculptures of the insects of jewellery relating to various aspects of her life.

The insects are all constructed by different flower materials, supposed to be stuck in time and showing the fragility and importance of life.

In Praise of Shadows will be running until 1 June, alongside Kathryn Watson’s Organic display that will be presented within the gallery.