A new art exhibition entitled A Sense of Place was unveiled at Cupola Gallery earlier this week.

The exhibition features a collection of 34 paintings by artist and director of Cupola Gallery Karen Sherwood. 

Karen Sherwood, 57, artist and director of the gallery, explaining her work, said: “Whether this exhibition is about something or not is up for you to decide, but I’ve had people tell me this work brings them a sense of calm, others say that it’s intense, so really it’s very subjective.

“Today, we live in unsettled times, and for better or for worse people need a place to escape to, so if my art can give them that then that’s great.” 

She added: “I don’t know why I’ve painted seascape, I’ve always found nature to be powerful and overwhelming in some ways, something draws me to it, it’s inspiring and can change how you feel.” 

Two seascape paintings hung on opposite sides of two walls
Work from the exhibition A Sense of Place

The exhibition marks Sherwood’s first solo show and display of her own work in two years, with previous work centring around the pandemic. 

The hiatus was ‘necessary for growth’ and enabled Sherwood to reflect on her emotional progression and identity following COVID-19, a period which enabled her to explore alternative styles. 

A woman who visited the exhibition, but prefers to remain anonymous, said: “I thought it was great, art is always quite personal, but the work definitely resonated with me.” 

Having lived in a landlocked Sheffield for over 30 years, Sherwood chose to paint the sea as a form of expression and to ‘bring one or several coastlines’ to her. 

The exhibition has received increased admiration across Sherwood’s social media platforms from artists and visitors alike.

Entrance to view the artwork is free and all pieces are available for purchase at varying prices, ranging from £25 to £2500.

The exhibition, which officially opened on Friday, February 7th, will remain open to visitors until Saturday, March 8th.