Shef News Live: for breaking news and updates in and around Sheffield and South Yorkshire.

Merkur Casino withdraws application for new slots location in Sheffield

A slot machine company has withdrawn their application for a new premises in Sheffield following people’s opposition in the area.

Merkur Casino made the application on December 18 but decided to withdraw it on Wednesday.

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Doncaster man jailed after sexually assaulting child

Steven McGibbon, 49, previously of Apley Road, Doncaster, was jailed for five years after sexually assaulting a child as she slept.

DC Kay Morgan said: “We will not tolerate any form of violence against women and girls and we will use all the resources we have at our disposal to secure justice against dangerous offenders like McGibbon.”

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Steven McGibbon, 49

Over £50,000 worth of county lines criminality shut down after targeted police action

 South Yorkshire Police officers have seized over £15,000 worth of cash and Class A drugs.

A total of 18 arrests were made for multiple offences while two county drug dealing lines were successfully shut down, police said.

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BREAKING NEWS: Healthwatch Sheffield Event Hopes To Raise Awareness And Understanding About Long Covid

Healthwatch Sheffield hosted an event on Long Covid Awareness Day to raise awareness for the condition.

The event took place in the Circle, on Thursday morning, with around 30 people showing up and learn more about it.

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