Shef News Live: for breaking news and updates in and around Sheffield and South Yorkshire.

Doncaster Sheffield Airport received £18M in funds

Doncaster Sheffield airport has received £18M in funds by the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority which approved the fund on the 13th of February. The campaign set up by Mark Chadwick received a large number of followers and the reopening of the airport is predicted to create 15,000 direct and indirect jobs.

Sport: Sheffield United Press Conference

Live reports from Darcie Peskir

Parents are being taught about home learning environments in Sheffield

Sheffield Family Hub and Start for Life Services organised the “Play, Chat and learn together” event in the Winter Gardens.

The young children and parents experienced all sorts of fun and to find out more, read here.

Sheffield to introduce beavers in £100,000 approved project

Sheffield has approved a £100,000 beaver project that would see Eurasian beavers reintroduced as a natural flood defence.

South Yorkshire City Council set up the project to help with flooding and biodiversity.

Read more here

Photographed by Alexas_Fotos