Shef News Live: for breaking news and updates in and around Sheffield and South Yorkshire.

Palestinian protesters at Town hall call for bank boycott

Pro-Palestine protesters have been campaigning this week, for action to be taken by Sheffield City Council in opposing the actions of Israel.

The campaign lead to the Barclays bank being closed temporarily over the weekend with protestors calling for boycotts of any firms such as Barclays.

Read more here.

Residents gathered in support.

Sheffield clinic affected by faulty egg-freezing

The Jessop Fertility clinic alongside a London based fertility clinic, received a batch of faulty freezing solution causing many eggs and embryos to be potentially destroyed.

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) confirmed the issue was limited to only these two clinics.

Rachel Cutting, Director of Compliance and Information at the HFEA said: “Our ongoing investigation only relates to Guy’s (a London hospital) as we are satisfied that Jessop’s undertook a thorough investigation when they first became aware of the issue and contacted and supported any patient affected. “

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Sheffield Montgomery theatre’s accessibility redevelopment project nears completion

The Sheffield theatre has received £1.5 million in funding to make it more accessible.

Before the reopening in Spring, the theatre partnered with Sheffield museums and libraries to put on workshops, performances and events – ensuring the budding theatre goers don’t go without.

Read more here.