Couple Amber Graver, 22, and James Clarke, 26, from Yorkshire, are taking on the Samaritans 310,000 steps challenge in March, with their fundraising money going straight to the charity and those in need.

There are a number of reasons why this challenge is beneficial: it’s great for wellbeing to walk on average 10,000 steps a day, whilst raising money and awareness for a charity that supports the wellbeing and mental health of thousands.

For many, this will continue to be a time of furlough and uncertainty, a year into the pandemic. The Samaritans challenge brings a sense of fulfilment and purpose to a repetitive day.

Amber Graver said: “I love to walk, it is one thing I really stick to in terms of a routine, and in lockdown this has been a real saviour to me. In such an unpredictable time it has given me that time to get away from the heaviness of work and the anxiety of the pandemic.”

Yorkshire couple at the start of their challenge

Samaritans support individuals in crisis and their ambition is to ensure fewer people die from suicide. Last year, their volunteers spent over one million hours answering calls for help. The money Amber and James are fundraising, alongside others taking on the challenge, will help them answer even more of these calls.

Amber added: “In my own recovery from an eating disorder, depression and a suicide attempt- I became co-ordinator for a county wide suicide prevention programme, now in its second year. Currently, in my professional life I have been trained as a crisis councillor and no longer need that support myself but instead use my own experience and knowledge to support those that do.”

Amber has supported the launch of 31 grassroots suicide prevention/ reduction schemes and is currently managing and coordinating Head First, North Yorkshire’s first mental health training hub.

Since March 1st she has completed an impressive 216,372 steps and counting. The couple aim to raise £200 and are nearly there, at £153. Amber expresses how great it has been for them both to set aside time to get out in the day, away from screens and the virtual world.

Photo taken by the couple on their daily walk

Partner James said: “I have had an extremely difficult time throughout the lockdowns. I was furloughed, trained as a teacher- my placement was cancelled, and was forced to defer the course due to mental health. I have just started my new job and walks with Amber have given me something to look forward to.

“I think attempting this challenge as a couple has been great for us. We both have had challenging pasts- struggles with mental health. We have both supported charities separately but this is the first time we are doing it together. It feels powerful.”

The couples fundraising page can be found on Facebook at ‘James & Amber’s fundraiser for the Samaritans’.

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