Environmental activists and wild swimming supporters have been extreme ironing around the Peak District.

The group is using the extreme activity to raise awareness for the Outdoor Swimming Societies (OSS) ‘Right to Swim’ campaign as well as promoting access to Yorkshire water.

Extreme ironer, Julio Nunez said: “We are campaigning for the free access to swim in reservoirs. There are people all over the UK who are trying to swim safely, but the idea for our campaign is to make authorities conscious of the risks and make swimming safer.

“Scottish reservoirs have had free swimming access since 2003. We want changes made to legislation to have the same access here in England, which will hopefully make wild swimming more regulated and safer.”  

Mr Nunez began the extreme ironing movement with his friend as a ‘bit of fun’ whilst they were wild swimming and hiking, but now the ‘sport’ is helping raise awareness for important campaigns.

‘Right to Swim’ is a campaign fighting to encourage the public to experience the physical, mental and spiritual health benefits that spending time swimming outdoors can bring.

The campaign, which has been running since 2021, has hosted an annual ‘Right to Swim Trespass’ where swimmers all over the UK protest for legal access to swim in reservoirs, whilst open water swimming.

They support the free nature of wild swimming, liberation wise and cost wise.

Saskia Juric, who was an onlooker at Rivelin Valley, said: “I had no idea extreme ironing was even a thing, but it seems great fun and the ‘Right to Swim’ needs more recognition.

“I swim frequently here at Rivelin and in other places in Sheffield. The message they are spreading is so important. Sheffield has so many beautiful spots, we all need to encourage everyone to make the most of them.”

The extreme ironing group will be continuing their campaign throughout the next few weeks visiting places like Derwent and Kinder Scout, bringing their boards, cameras and costumes to each mission.

For more information visit here.