Shef News Live: for breaking news and updates in and around Sheffield and South Yorkshire.

Fine artist Kathryn Watson unveiled her solo art exhibition at the Cupola Gallery on May 3rd.

Kathryn specialises in ceramic sculptures and her exhibition art is focused on the structure of nature.

Her work will remain on display until the 1st June.

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To read more about the exhibition click here.

Grimethorpe incident – two people charged

Lesley Claughton, 57, and Ian Claughton, 58, have been charged after an investigation into the transportation of firearms into the UK.

The two are charged with bringing a realistic firearm into the UK, posession and intent to supply Class B drugs, possession of a firearm, and being concerned with Class B drugs production.

Read more here.

Mental health services available before Awareness Week

Awareness week will start on May 13th and many charities are offering their support in South Yorkshire.

Sheffield Flourish and ‘Mums understanding Mums’ are two of many charities providing support for the local community, including activities such as gardening, creative arts, football and more.

Read more here.

Hello and welcome to today’s Shef News live page where we’ll be bringing you all the latest news from across Sheffield and South Yorkshire, as well as breaking news, traffic and weather.

Sheffield Skyline
Sheffield Skyline, Credit: Paolo Margari – Flickr