Parents across Sheffield have just discovered what primary school their children have been allocated. 

Almost 95% of pupils were allocated into their first place school, with only 32 pupils getting their third preference place. 

This is a slight decrease from last year, with over 95% of children being accepted into their first preference schools.

Mother of two Rebecca Lomas, said: “It means the world, obviously your children are your pride and joy. As a mum, every single decision that I make in my life somehow revolves around my children in some way. 

“To be able to put him in the school that I wanted him to, which is a fantastic school and we’re incredibly lucky, it means the world.”

Her son Zach is three and was accepted into their first preference school despite the family living over a mile outside of catchment. 

She has put Zach’s acceptance into the school down to the fact that his older brother, Alfie aged six, was already at the school.  

For many parents the wait to see what school their child has been put into can be a very anxious one. 

Mrs Lomas said: “It’s incredibly stressful, it’s an incredibly nerve-wracking time.

“It’s the first real start in life, it can just shape everything, their friendship groups, their education, so it’s incredibly important.”

Did your child get their first choice school?

Any child who has not been accepted into any of their top three schools gets offered a place at their nearest available school. 

Parents do have the right to appeal to an independent panel if their child was deemed ineligible for their schools of  preference.

This process will take place in June and July. 

Alternatively, local authorities have waiting lists that parents can add their children to if they didn’t get one of their top schools. 

These lists do not guarantee a place at the school but movement of children from school to school often takes place between March and September. 

For help on appeals and waiting lists The Admissions Team can be contacted via 
As an alternative, more information can be found on