Residents within the neighbourhood came together to raise over 30% of their funding to make their street a much greener.

Glenorchy road has no street trees, Jo Sutcliffe a campaigner for the neighbourhood said: “I am very concerned about the environment from global warming.

“I contacted a few of my neighbours and several of them said they were interested and they would be willing to contribute to the scheme.”

The goal is to make sure the environment of the road is more attractive, as well as helping reduce CO2 and pollution, whilst attracting birds and bees. 

Ms Sutcliffe hopes to raise the full amount of the crowdfunding, £1,560, to plant at least four trees by the beginning of autumn, which is the start of the planting season. 

She added that the Nether Edge and Sharrow Sustainable Transformation, who are supporting the campaign, will provide with half of the funding per tree, so £1,560 will turn into around £3,000 of total funds. 

NESST is a local group that was created during the street improvement project of the council, their aim was to cut down over 5000 trees.

The chairperson, Paul Selby, believes that the NESST’s goal is to improve the green area around Nether Edge and Sharrow with the hope of being able to plant 60 trees per year in the next 15 years.

He said: “I have suspicions that they [Glenorchy road community] will grow sufficient funds for six trees and that will make a noticeable difference. 

“It will link up with the trees of the nearby roads, which will create nature corridors and that really helps the environment.” 

When it came to having all of her neighbours to support the cause, Jo mentioned that a couple of residents who are supporting it did not want to have a tree in front of their house. 

She said: “Some people say ‘well, it creates a mess’ and I think they’re thinking of leaves dropping in the autumn, some are worried whether the pavement is wide enough, and there are some who are worried about the tree blocking the light, which is a genuine issue, especially as the tree gets bigger.

“But we’re going to choose trees that aren’t going to be too big, so it might be 10 or 12 ft in height – What they call small to medium trees.” 

A donation page has been made to any one looking to donate to the community: