Puglia’s ‘R’ has risen to 1.23 after the region was able to open up during the past couple weeks, meaning it has entered the red zone amongst almost all other regions.

The current situation shows only one ‘white’ Italian region, where there has been a complete commercial and social reopening. While more than half country is in the red zone, with maximum restrictions, the remaining cities have been classified as ‘medium-high danger’.

Margherita Muscio, 45, from Brindisi, is a local resident who owns a pizzeria and is one of millions complaining about the ‘unnecessary national lockdown’. She said: ‘’In my opinion all of this was not needed, as we are all economically drowning. They haven’t had success with the vaccination campaign and now they need time, that’s why they are making us close down.’’

Exterior of the pizzeria

The Government’s plan to get a large amount of the population vaccinated before Easter time has failed. It was decided that key-workers and teachers would be the priority to get the first dose, but this process has stopped as investigations linking deaths to the Astra Zeneca vaccine are taking place.

Mrs Muscio said: ‘’They wanted to give priority to these people but have forgotten we also are working on the front line with lots of clients coming in every night to buy their food. While teachers are continuing to earn their money monthly staying at home, we have to fight every single day without being protected in any way.’’

Right now Italy is facing what the UK has faced over the past few months, but with a great amount of vaccinations already carried out and a plan to get their normal life back implemented. The hope for Italy is to get there at soon.