Hundreds of gift bags are to be donated to women’s hostels and refugees this Mother’s Day in Sheffield after appeal receives donations from volunteers. 

Thirteen services across Sheffield including Ashiana, SWWOP, Baby Basics, Young Women’s Housing Project and Together Women will all receive gift bags. 

The bags are filled with a range of goodies including chocolate, toiletries, fluffy socks, makeup and room decorations. 

The appeal which began five years ago is run by Christine Sexton, who is also the coordinator for the Shoebox appeal.

It all began five years ago when Ms Sexton had an idea to create something for children who weren’t able to give their mothers anything for Mother’s Day.

She said: “My children used to love getting me things for Mother’s day. Whether it was a card they had made at school or what they had chosen when their dad took them shopping.

“However, I thought how awful it must be for the children who can’t give their mum anything for Mother’s Day.” 

The Mother’s Day appeal grew from the Shoebox appeal which started in 2013 and gives disadvantaged people a gift over Christmas. 

Ms Sexton said: “The Shoebox appeal started when we realised that a lot of people get presents for Christmas that they don’t use and we wanted to find out what to do with them. 

“At the same time we realised that a lot of women in refuges and hostels in Sheffield probably got nothing for Mother’s day and that their children who were with them couldn’t get them anything so that’s when we started.”

Every year calls for donations will be posted on the Shoe box appeal social media sites encouraging people to drop off items at points around Sheffield. 

Ms Sexton added: “Often when women arrive at hostels or refuges it’s the middle of the night and they have nothing.

“Their rooms are lovely but basic, so they like things that personalise their room.”

A woman who received a Mother’s Day bag, but asked to stay anonymous, said: “Why would someone do this for me? I don’t deserve it.”